Friday, January 31, 2003

Gross! Days like this are so depressing. I hate the look of the melty, dirty snow with the bleak, icky-coloured sky. What a downer.

Anyways, yay for me for actually going to my Poli Sci tutorial this morning, even though I didn't read either of the assigned articles... *cough*. Next week there will be no skipping, whatsoever, no matter how good the excuse my twisted little brain comes up with! I think I have a Poli Sci midterm coming up, so attending class might be beneficial.

Last night was a little depressing, but I think I made the best of it. I totally would have gone if Ben had messaged me back, but, alas... it was not meant to be. Oh well, there will be more bar nights eventually. Besides, I got to watch Prophecy Girl, which I missed on Monday because of the Security appreciation potluck, and I even went for a walk! Hopefully I'll find something a little less "solitary" to do tonight. I wonder what movie the boys are going to?

Currently listening to: "Crash Into Me" by Dave Matthews Band (in my head :P)
Quote of the day: "Hike up your skirt a little more and show your world to me" - from the above song

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Ah ah ah! It's alive! ALIVE!

God, I finally figured out this stupid blog thing, with much help from Minna (*mwah*... thanks bébé!). I'm taking a break from studying for my Psych midterm, which I've been doing since 11 this morning. Bleh. I hate it when I wait until the last possible minute to study. I'm not really sure how it happened; so far this year I've been pretty pro about studying and reading ahead of time. But for some reason, this week I've been having a majorly hard time a) attending class, b) doing anything school-related, c) performing my RA-ly duties, and d) doing things that are productive in general. Boourns to me! It probably has something to do with me being so damn preoccupied with getting this thing up and running, as well as having a computer again. I seriously need to get back on track though. And for the love of Jesus, it's time to start going to the gym again! Or at least doing something requiring physical exertion. I feel like a giant marshmallow of flab. Ick.

Last night I went to the pub with Minna and Steve. Ben, Anna, Brian, Kayla, Deb, Ryan, and Kacie were all there too, so it was all-around good times. I love the food there (even though I always regret eating it afterwards), and music trivia is always fun, especially when there's virtually no competition and we actually win rounds. :P Lately we've been hanging out with Ben a lot, which makes me super happy. I'd forgotten how much fun he is! We realized yesterday that in the past week or so, we've hung out with him more than we did during the entirety of first semester. o_O That's kind of creepy, especially considering the fact that I think of Ben as one of my best friends! Anyway, the whole social life situation seems to be looking up a bit these days. I'm really hoping we'll get out to the Ironho tonight, but it depends on Minna. I suppose I could go myself with Ben and all them, but that idea kinda strikes fear into my inhibited little heart. :P We'll see what happens.

Currently listening to: "Cry Me A River" by Justin Timberlake (I'm addicted! Gah!)
Quote of the day:
WILLOW: Something evil crashed to earth in this and then broke out and ... slithered away to do badness.
GILES: In all fairness, we don't really know about the slithered part.
ANYA: Oh, no. I'm sure it frisked about like a fluffy lamb.